Results for 'Marta Graciela Trógolo'

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  1. The Greek Roots of the Ad Hominem-Argument.Graciela Marta Chichi - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (3):333-348.
    In this paper, I discuss the current thesis on the modern origin of the ad hominem-argument, by analysing the Aristotelian conception of it. In view of the recent accounts which consider it a relative argument, i.e., acceptable only by the particular respondent, I maintain that there are two Aristotelian versions of the ad hominem, that have identifiable characteristics, and both correspond to the standard variants distinguished in the contemporary treatments of the famous informal fallacy: the abusive and the circumstancial or (...)
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    Dichos y Acciones. El Argumento Ad Hominemen la Retórica de Aristóteles.Graciela Marta Chichi - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):29-43.
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    Franco Volpi, «Hermética versus Hermenéutica. Sobre el intento de Heinrich Rombach de sobrepasar el pensar de Heidegger. Y la carta con la respuesta de Rombach.». [REVIEW]Graciela Marta Chichi - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    RESUMENEl artículo que se presenta aquí traducido se editó en alemán en un volumen homenaje al filósofo Heinrich Rombach, quien se ha sabido unido a la «escuela de Freiburg » (en Briesgau) y determinado por la conexión entre Husserl y Heidegger, que, a pesar de las diferencias, es Fenomenología. Amigos, colegas y discípulos del profesor Rombach, por entonces profesor activo de la Universidad de Würzburg, dejaron en ese volumen huellas de haber oteado brechas y caminos muy distintos, en pos de (...)
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    La ejemplaridad de Sócrates según Platón y Jenofonte.Louis André Dorion - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (1):e065.
    En la obra de Jenofonte, Sócrates es un modelo de virtud a imitar por aquellos que aspiran a adquirir las virtudes que él encarna. La ejemplaridad de Sócrates es entonces esencialmente la de un modelo que se puede imitar. El Sócrates de Platón no ocupa nunca el rol de modelo a imitar por aquellos que aspiran a la virtud, sin duda porque la virtud, para el Sócrates de Platón, no es el fruto del ejercicio (askêsis). Si la virtud consiste esencialmente (...)
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  5. Not So Blue to be Sad: Affective Affordances and Expressive Properties in Affective Regulation.Marta Caravà & Marta Benenti - 2024 - Topoi (3):1-12.
    In our everyday interaction with the environment, we often perceive objects and spaces as opportunities to feel, maintain, enhance, and change our affective states and processes. The concept of affective affordance was coined to accommodate this aspect of ordinary perception and the many ways in which we rely on the material environment to regulate our emo- tions. One natural way to think of affective affordances in emotion regulation is to interpret them as tools for regulating felt affective states. We argue (...)
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  6. Insightful artificial intelligence.Marta Halina - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (2):315-329.
    In March 2016, DeepMind's computer programme AlphaGo surprised the world by defeating the world‐champion Go player, Lee Sedol. AlphaGo exhibits a novel, surprising and valuable style of play and has been recognised as “creative” by the artificial intelligence (AI) and Go communities. This article examines whether AlphaGo engages in creative problem solving according to the standards of comparative psychology. I argue that AlphaGo displays one important aspect of creative problem solving (namely mental scenario building in the form of Monte Carlo (...)
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  7. Norm-induced forgetting: When social norms induce us to forget.Marta Caravà - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology:1-23.
    Sometimes subjects have sufficient internal and external resources to retrieve information stored in memory, in particular information that carries socially charged content. Yet, they fail to do so: they forget it. These cases pose an explanatory challenge to common explanations of forgetting in cognitive science. In this paper, I take this challenge and develop a new explanation of these cases. According to this explanation, these cases are best explained as cases of norm-induced forgetting: cases in which forgetting is caused by (...)
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    Can Finance Be a Virtuous Practice? A MacIntyrean Account.Marta Rocchi, Ignacio Ferrero & Ron Beadle - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (1):75-105.
    ABSTRACTFinance may suffer from institutional deformations that subordinate its distinctive goods to the pursuit of external goods, but this should encourage attempts to reform the institutionalization of finance rather than to reject its potential for virtuous business activity. This article argues that finance should be regarded as a domain-relative practice. Alongside management, its moral status thereby varies with the purposes it serves. Hence, when practitioners working in finance facilitate projects that create common goods, it allows them to develop virtues. This (...)
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    Mastery in Goal Scoring, T-Pattern Detection, and Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Tiago Fernandes & Raúl Hileno - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Goal Scoring in Soccer: A Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Albert Canton & Raúl Hileno - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  11. Presupposition cancellation: explaining the ‘soft–hard’ trigger distinction.Márta Abrusán - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (2):165-202.
    Some presuppositions are easier to cancel than others in embedded contexts. This contrast has been used as evidence for distinguishing two fundamentally different kinds of presuppositions, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’. ‘Soft’ presuppositions are usually assumed to arise in a pragmatic way, while ‘hard’ presuppositions are thought to be genuine semantic presuppositions. This paper argues against such a distinction and proposes to derive the difference in cancellation from inherent differences in how presupposition triggers interact with the context: their focus sensitivity, anaphoricity, and (...)
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  12. Aristotle on Enduring Evils While Staying Happy.Marta Jimenez - 2018 - In Pavlos Kontos, Evil in Aristotle. Cambridge University Press. pp. 150-169.
    In what ways and how far does virtue shield someone against suffering evils? In other words, how do non-moral evils affect the lives of virtuous people and to what extent can someone endure evils while staying happy? The central purpose of this chapter is to answer these questions by exploring what Aristotle has to say about the effects of evils in human well-being in general and his treatment of extreme misfortunes.
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  13. Forgiving Unbound: Emotion, Memory, and Materiality in Extended Moral Processes.Marta Caravà & Christopher Jude McCarroll - forthcoming - Synthese.
    What does it take to forgive? Forgiveness is often thought to involve an internal, intrapersonal process: it happens within the subject. Drawing on the idea that many of our mental states and processes can extend into the material environment, we argue that this is not always the case: forgiving is often a world-involving, extended process. This means that its mechanisms do not always stop at our brains, our bodies, other people, or the institutions we may appeal to, such as legal (...)
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  14. Conscious thinking and cognitive phenomenology: topics, views and future developments.Marta Jorba & Dermot Moran - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):95-113.
    This introduction presents a state of the art of philosophical research on cognitive phenomenology and its relation to the nature of conscious thinking more generally. We firstly introduce the question of cognitive phenomenology, the motivation for the debate, and situate the discussion within the fields of philosophy, cognitive psychology and consciousness studies. Secondly, we review the main research on the question, which we argue has so far situated the cognitive phenomenology debate around the following topics and arguments: phenomenal contrast, epistemic (...)
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    Blame as a sentiment.Marta Johansson Werkmäster - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3):239-253.
    The nature of blame is not to be identified solely with a judgment, or an overt act, or an angry emotion. Instead, blame should be identified with a sentiment: more specifically, a multi-track disposition that manifests itself in various different emotions, thoughts or actions in a range of different circumstances. This paper aims to argue for these two claims. I start by arguing that blame is not solely a judgment, overt act, or an angry emotion. Then I develop the view (...)
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  16. Uniform Interpolation and Propositional Quantifiers in Modal Logics.Marta Bílková - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (1):1-31.
    We investigate uniform interpolants in propositional modal logics from the proof-theoretical point of view. Our approach is adopted from Pitts’ proof of uniform interpolationin intuitionistic propositional logic [15]. The method is based on a simulation of certain quantifiers ranging over propositional variables and uses a terminating sequent calculus for which structural rules are admissible.
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    How Context Influences Our Perception of Emotional Faces: A Behavioral Study on the Kuleshov Effect.Marta Calbi, Katrin Heimann, Daniel Barratt, Francesca Siri, Maria A. Umiltà & Vittorio Gallese - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Aesthetic Pragmatism and Feminism of Jane Addams.Marta Vaamonde Gamo - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (1).
    This article aims to contribute to the recognition of Jane Addams' aesthetic reflections. Her reflections extended pragmatism by anticipating some themes of Dewey’s aesthetics and some of its current aesthetic derivations. Addams broke down the barriers that separated art and life with the practices at Hull House in which immigrants of different ethnicities and women had an active and leading part. She thus expanded the social meaning of some of the avant-garde art movements that influenced her, such as the Art (...)
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    Error-Related Cognitive Control and Behavioral Adaptation Mechanisms in the Context of Motor Functioning and Anxiety.Marta Topor, Bertram Opitz & Hayley C. Leonard - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Motor proficiency reflects the ability to perform precise and coordinated movements in different contexts. Previous research suggests that different profiles of motor proficiency may be associated with different cognitive functioning characteristics thus suggesting an interaction between cognitive and motor processes. The current study investigated this interaction in the general population of healthy adults with different profiles of motor proficiency by focusing on error-related cognitive control and behavioral adaptation mechanisms. In addition, the impact of these processes was assessed in terms of (...)
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    Galileo and the Mountains of the Moon: Analogical Reasoning, Models and Metaphors in Scientific Discovery.Marta Spranzi - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 4 (3-4):451-483.
    This paper is about the use of analogical reasoning, models and metaphors in Galileo's discovery of the mountains of the moon, which he describes in the Starry Messenger, a short but groundbreaking treatise published in 1610. On the basis of the observations of the Moon he has made with the newly invented telescope, Galileo shows that the Moon has mountains and that therefore it shares the same solid, opaque and rugged nature of the Earth. I will first reconstruct Galileo's reasoning, (...)
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  21. Two “EvoDevos”.Marta Linde Medina - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (1):7-11.
  22. Ripensare, oggi, il Carnevale. Premessa.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:235-242.
    The International Conference "Tra rito e mito: il Carnevale nella cultura europea" was held online on the 16th and 17th of November 2020. We present twenty-two contributions coming from various fields of the Humanities and written in Italian, French, and German. This proceedings’ foreword traces back the thread that links these essays one with another, i.e., carnivalesque imagery between ritual and mythological dimensions. Moreover, this introduction provides a key to an interpretation of Carnival as a founding instance, both regenerative and (...)
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    The Constitution Relation and Baker’s Account of It.Marta Campdelacreu - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (1):1-19.
    A traditional argument based on Leibniz’s Law concludes that, for example, a statue and the piece of marble of which it is made are two different objects. This is because they have different properties: the statue can survive the loss of some of its parts but the piece of marble cannot. Lynne Rudder Baker adds that the piece of marble constitutes the statue. In this paper I focus on what I think is the most powerful objection to Baker’s account of (...)
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    The “Commitment Model” of Clinical Ethics Consultation: Revisiting the Meaning of Expertise and Professionalization.Marta Spranzi, Nicolas Foureur, Milena Maglio & Maria Cristina Murano - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (4):287-298.
    While in Europe the debate over clinical ethics consultants’ expertise and professionalization is ongoing, in France it remains rather marginal. In this article, we illustrate how the “commitment model” adopted by the Clinical Ethics Center of the Greater Paris University Hospitals situates itself in such a debate. We first present the commitment model by drawing upon an emblematic case of consultation, and then describe, in turn, its understandings of democratic expertise and of the professionalization of clinical ethics consultation. Accordingly, the (...)
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    Barcelona lidera el NO a l’economia col·laborativa capitalista.Marta Molas - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:159-164.
    Barcelona, juny de 2017: el primer dimarts del mes comença amb una vaga de 24 hores de taxistes de la ciutat en contra d’Uber i Cabify. Dissabte següent, columnes de tots els barris es concentren a la Plaça Universitat contra l’augment del lloguer induït, majoritàriament, pel turisme massiu, amb AirB&B –com no–, en el punt de mira. Barcelona 0 – Economia col·laborativa 1. Era això, companys, el què n’esperàvem de l’economia del segle XXI?
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    Inductive Reasoning with Multi-dimensional Concepts.Marta Sznajder - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (2):465-484.
    Attribute spaces are a type of conceptual spaces which Carnap introduced in his late basic system of inductive logic. This article shows how to extend Carnap's use of them into a full model of inductive reasoning with geometrically represented concepts, extending my earlier work. The proposed model draws on Bayesian non-parametric techniques in order to define a probability distribution over the attribute space and a way of updating it with data. The model is another example of conceptual and formal continuity (...)
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  27. From Phenomenology to Traces: Inferring Memory Mechanisms.Marta Caravà & Sarah K. Robins - 2023 - Constructivist Foundations 19 (1):70-72.
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    Self-Love and the Unity of Justice in Aristotle.Marta Jimenez - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):413-429.
    In this paper I take up the question about the unity of justice in Aristotle and advocate for a robust relationship between lawfulness and equality, the two senses of justice that Aristotle distinguishes in Nicomachean Ethics V. My strategy is to focus on Aristotle’s indication in NE V 2 that “other-relatedness” is the common element shared by the two justices and turn to Aristotle’s discussion of the notion of self-love in EN IX 8 to explain what that means. I argue (...)
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  29. Feminist inquiries into Business ethics.Marta Calas & Linda Smircich - forthcoming - Ruffin Lectures in Business Ethics: Women’Studies and Business Ethics.
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    Trans-Human and Post-Human: A Challenge for the Human and Philosophical Sciences.Marta Toraldo & Domenico Maurizio Toraldo - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):54-61.
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  31. "Ubi fracassorium, ibi fuggitorium": Pulcinella e l’enigma della ricapitolazione del tempo.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:303-315.
    Who is Pulcinella? What does his laughter have to say about the "end of time" and the end of life of Giandomenico Tiepolo? How can the end of a life make anyone laugh like Carnival’s popular mask does? This article tries to answer such questions. By unfolding the tools that come from the realm of Giorgio Agamben’s philosophy – notably the notion of "recapitulation of time" in its relation to comedy – we will trace a path which links Michail Bachtin’s (...)
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    Reasoning with belief functions over Belnap–Dunn logic.Marta Bílková, Sabine Frittella, Daniil Kozhemiachenko, Ondrej Majer & Sajad Nazari - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (9):103338.
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    Does growing up with a physician influence the ethics of medical students’ relationships with the pharmaceutical industry? The cases of the US and Poland.Marta Makowska - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):49.
    Medical schools have a major impact on future doctors’ ethics and their attitudes towards cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry. From childhood, medical students who are related to a physician are exposed to the characteristics of a medical career and learn its professional ethics not only in school but also in the family setting. The present paper sought to answer the research question: ‘How does growing up with a physician influence medical students' perceptions of conflicts of interest in their relationships with (...)
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    On Women, Egg Cells and Embryos: Gender in the Regulatory Debates on Embryonic Research in the Netherlands.Marta Kirejczyk - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (4):377-391.
    In contrast to many countries, the political debates in the Netherlands on reproductive technologies and embryo research have paid particular attention to the issue of health risks to women. This article focuses on the question to what extent the discourse of gender has contributed to shaping the space for embryonic research in this country. The author argues that in the policy arena flexible conceptualizations of risks and burdens to women and of the identities of embryos have been crucial in drawing (...)
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    An Exploratory Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of Mexican and U.S. Marketers.Janet Marta, Christina Heiss & Steven Lurgio - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):539-555.
    This is a study of the effects of a number of background variables on ethical perceptions of Mexican and U.S. marketers. This research investigates how a marketer’s personal religiousness, relativism, and the ethical values influence in perceptions of the degree of ethical problems in hypothetical marketing scenarios. It also examines differences between Mexican and U.S. marketers on these variables. The results show significant differences in perception between the countries, and we discuss the implications of these differences for cross-cultural business activities.
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  36. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Gonzalez Ana Marta - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1).
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    L'anàlisi filosòfica en G.E. Moore i la seva relació amb el sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari.Marta Moragas - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:97-121.
    Aquest treball explora la concepció de l'anàlisi de Moore tot relacionant-la amb la sevadefensa del sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari com el seu vehicle d'expressió. La secció 1 estudiael paper que l'anàlisi representa en la seva filosofia, així com la seva importància perafrontar problemes filosòfics. La secció 2 descriu en què consisteix l'anàlisi segons Moore, discuteixels criteris que ha de satisfer una anàlisi correcta, i classifica els diferents tipus d'anà-lisi trobats en els escrits de Moore, alhora que nega que (...)
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    „Wizualizacja otwarta” jako narzędzie demokratyzacji wiedzy.Marta Maliszewska - 2023 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 14 (1).
    In this poster I compare two types of visualization that can be distinguished by the role of the viewer. In the first, which I call “closed visualization,” interpretation is seen as a decoding of meanings already set by the author. The other—“open visualization”—sees the viewer as an active co-creator of meanings. In its processual character, open visualization elicits the critical potential of the imagination and is open to new contexts and interpretations. As such, open visualization democratizes the production of knowledge (...)
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    Paris: “Penser l’hospitalité au Moyen Âge”.Marta Borgo - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 64:358-369.
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    (1 other version)Eugenio d'Ors y el pragmatismo.Torregrosa Marta & Jaime Nubiola - 2016 - In Pedro Russi, Eugenio d'Ors e Charles S. Peirce: jogo e pragmatismo em açao. pp. 18-46.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es dar noticia de la recepción del pragmatismo en la obra y el pensamiento de Eugenio d’Ors, reuniendo algunos resultados de nuestros trabajos preceden- tes2. Dedicamos una primera parte a describir el encuentro de Eugenio d’Ors con el pragmatismo. En segundo lugar describimos su conexión con William James a quien llegó a conocer en París. En tercer lugar, damos cuenta de en qué consiste la denominada “superación del pragmatismo” por parte de Eugenio d’Ors y, por (...)
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    Gender and citizenship.Marta Postigo Asenjo - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13.
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    Foundations of Bioethics through the Voice of a Pioneer: Conversations with Robert M. Veatch.Marta Dias Barcelos - 2022 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 32 (3):237-259.
    ABSTRACT:In these Conversations, Robert Veatch reveals remarkable moments of his intellectual journey through bioethics. In Part I, he recalls some of the major historical events that contributed to modern bioethics development from the 1970s onward. Going back more than one decade, he emphasizes the impact of the Antiwar and Civil Rights movements, his pacifist ideals, and his engagement as an activist. In Part II, Veatch discusses the core of his theoretical proposal for bioethics, which is based on seven principles. He (...)
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    Pierwsza walka Karola Marksa, czyli "Uwagi dotyczące nowej pruskiej instrukcji o cenzurze".Marta Baranowska - 2018 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:171-183.
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  44. El externalismo en la Filosofía de Donald Davidson.Marta Bayarres - 2010 - A Parte Rei 71:10.
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  45. The two sides of the hour anal< tic and s< nthetic approaches in cancer research.Marta Bertolaso - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (3):73-95.
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    Uncoupling Mereology and Supervenience: A Dual Framework for Emergence and Downward Causation.Marta Bertolaso - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (6):705-720.
    The philosophical discussion of emergence is often focused on properties of ‘wholes’ that are evaluated as emergent with respect to the properties of ‘parts’. Downward causation is, consequently, evaluated as some kind of causal influence of whole properties over parts properties. Yet, several important cases in scientific practice seem to be pursuing hypotheses of parts properties emerging from wholes properties, inverting the instinctive association of emergence with wholes. Furthermore, some areas of reflection which are very important for emergence, e.g., the (...)
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    Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World: Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects by Jeffrey E. Brower.Marta Borgo - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):160-161.
    What is the ultimate structure of the material world? Brower’s monograph provides a well-argued reconstruction of Aquinas’s Aristotelian answer to this question: the fundamental contents of the material world are prime matter, substantial and accidental forms, substances, and accidental unities.Brower’s aim is twofold: presenting Aquinas’s ontology of the material world, and also emphasizing its relevance—as a mixed ontology and a peculiar two-tier structured substratum theory, combining elements of both thin and thick particularism—to current metaphysical debates. These two perspectives intermingle in (...)
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    Bulletin d'histoire des doctrines médiévales.Marta Borgo, Iacopo Costa, Ruedi Imbach, Marc Millais & Adriano Oliva - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (4):751-793.
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    (2 other versions)Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales.Marta Borgo, Iacopo Costa, Marc Millais, Kristina Mitalaité, Jean-Christophe de Nadaï & Adriano Oliva - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 105 (1):123-165.
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    Paris: « Dominer la terre ».Marta Borgo - 2024 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 66:258-265.
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